All Good things must Begin

“All good things must begin.” This phrase was found written in the journal of Ancestor Octavia Butlers journal after her death. Its been sticking with me lately; a simple phrase has rewired how i approach all things on my journey, helping me to better manage and combat the fear that i usually experience when approaching any of my creative work or projects.

Developing my own film has been daunting yet satisfying to the soul. Going into this process, I would've never expected that it would require so much of me. Getting comfortable with extended moments of darkness, so dark that the blackness is never ending. Using analog technologies of the past, one is forced to forget everything they know about the now, and heavily rely on intuition. It requires precise math and science. And it is teaching me patience & trust more than anything. This process brings me much joy; knowing that l've acted as a conduit in this ritual of pictorial story-making, from beginning to end. Immersing myself deeper into my artistry and craft. Something so sacred yet humbling. Learning that I'm not always exact - Being a witness to what went right, what went wrong, and how to improve moving forward.

***These moments were captured in Savannah, Edisto Island, and Saint Helena Island.***

*** It was Valentines Eve and when I witnessed these two "Lovers in the Parking Lot" sitting on a park bench against a blooming azalea bush; first African Baptist Church as the backdrop. Both homeless, the two have since found home in each other. "Quincy, you've gotta take each day, one moment at a time, because in the end, all you'll have is that moment.” Their names? Tim & Teresa. Which so happens to be the same names of my uncle and aunt that transitioned years ago. A reminder that our ancestors are always leading the way, with Love.

It is quite a treat when life allows you to cross paths with beautiful humans. It is even sweeter when your journeys align almost imperfectly, perfect.

*** I first met Haley two years back when a mutual friend Ciera had shared some of my work on Instagram, essentially ushering in space for Haley and I to connect. From there, Haley invited me to be apart of her budding writers circle... where we, along with a group of other sweet souls, would meet monthly to share our poetry, writing, thoughts, feelings and experiences. It was the first time in a while that I felt seen, heard, and felt; all essentially from strangers. To think, something as simple as words brought us all into each others ether.

& Haley was the conduit for it all.

These two instances are a reminder that, in the words of Ancestor Pharaoh Sanders, love is everywhere.

- Quincy


Y’all be Safe down that Road : Wayfinding to Hawkins Street 


Evidence of things not Seen