The Land Held …

The Land held, so the Churren’ could hold even tighter. 

There’s not many words for the spirit of Love that we conjured up on this rich Black-Indigenous Mississippi Land, but this excerpt of a poem from Alice Walkers, “Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful” perfectly sums it up. So much gratitude and love to the good kinfolks at SAAFON and The Hollowell Family of Fox Fire Ranch.

Rest in peace. The meaning of your lives is still unfolding.

Rest in peace. In me the meaning of your lives is still unfolding.

Rest in peace, in me. The meaning of your lives is still unfolding.

Rest. In me the meaning of your lives is still unfolding

Rest. In peace in me the meaning of our lives is still unfolding.



Ma’ Dear


The Delta be the Altar ... and them Blues be the Flame